Wednesday 9 May 2012

Mama Rose and Baby Rose

A reader of mine got confused because she found Rose the Pegacorn on another softie-maker's site, too. She wanted to know whether the parents ordered two different versions of the same softie. Well, the answer is yes.

Yes, for them it was important to get two different interpretations of the same drawing - a Mama Rose and a Baby Rose. So they asked both Abby and me to make a Pegacorn. The two Roses arrived on different days - both 'birthdays' are marked in the family's calendar :-)  Baby Rose has wire in her legs so she can pose, and Mama Rose is a bit cuddlier than her baby. And both of them are loved very much!

Hey, two Roses, feel yourselves lucky to belong to that family! :-)


  1. Hi! My first time seeing this picture. Very cute :) I was just admiring all of your amazing softies and I am in awe of your work!! You are pretty amazing at this!! As i am scrolling through, I saw this post. I remember this story about Rose... Very touching what the parents did, although I was very confused At the time i must say! Nonetheless, your work is inspiring. I love the clean, crisp, flawless style of all your softies. Best of luck to you!! -Abby at Pinocchio's Friends :)

  2. Hi Abbey, thank you so much for your kind words - my day started beautifully thanks to your letter :-)
    I hope our two Roses are fine :-) All the best to you, Emese
